Kevin Ward, one of the most intriguing figures in the TROC series, has recently found himself at a crossroads. An unexpected offer has landed on his table: a brand-new sailboat in exchange for his beloved race team. The proposal has Ward seriously considering a shift from the fast-paced world of racing to the serene waters of sailing.
Ward’s race team has been his pride and joy, built on years of dedication and passion for the sport. However, the idea of a new adventure on the open sea is tempting. Sailing offers a completely different kind of thrill—one of calm, precision, and connection with nature. But giving up the adrenaline rush of racing isn’t an easy decision.
His fans and team members are watching closely as he weighs his options. Will he trade in his race team for a new sailboat and set sail toward a new chapter in his life? Or will his love for racing keep him grounded in the TROC series?
For now, the decision remains up in the air, but one thing is clear: whatever Ward chooses, it’s bound to make waves.